Sydney Vegan Club

Sharing is caring!

Sydney Vegan Club is one of the largest vegan communities in the world, and one of the leading vegan education organisations! Our club was founded by Kym Staton in 2012 and since that time thousands of Sydney people have connected with us, and we have held hundreds of events and gatherings.

Whether you are a long-time vegan, new vegan or interested in going vegan, Sydney Vegan Club is for you!

There is no formal joining process, just jump on our newsletterfacebookmeetup or one of our other platforms, and once you do you’ll have a chance to come along to one of our many and varied events, to meet other people who are considering or have already made the vegan choice – for the animals, sustainability, and better personal health! You can even get involved in education and outreach through volunteering with us!

Our current outreach and educational initiatives: 
We are engaged in NINE different diverse and impactful projects that support and promote the necessity and benefits of veganism, including our:
* Free 30 Day Vegan Challenge program
* Vegan Options Inside ‘Artichoke’ sticker program
* Vegan nutrition seminars
* Vegan cooking classes
* Twice monthly free educational events
* Website with lots of information, links and resources
* Moderated facebook forum
* Weekly newsletter with club news, global vegan news, health tips and cooking ideas
* Weekly social meetups and events

In 2015, SVC inspired and helped MORE THAN 700 Sydney people go vegan – which has saved around SEVEN MILLION ANIMALS over the next 80 years from being born into a short torturous life and violent death. We need as many volunteers as we can find to join our team and speed up the change! Helping people go vegan is the most effective way to help animals and creates the most lasting change. Our aim is to inspire a 100% vegan Sydney by 2025!


You can help us continue our work for a kinder, greener, healthier Sydney! 
* Make a contribution via credit card or paypal to support our work –> click here to contribute
* Become a volunteer and donate some time to one or more of our outreach initiatives. Fill out our short form >> here

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